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We control how our trademark is used, and who wants to use our trademark. Third parties must have our explicit consent and authorisation, in writing before any online publications or in-store usage or email.  
There is no preferential consent for third parties or persons to freely exercise our registered trademark. Nor is it to be perceived that other possess the exclusive rights.  
Our specific trademark guidelines usage is, included if any, contained in a mutual agreement with us.  

We reserve the right to deny the use of the word Lady Vaydra Designs. The word of Lady Vaydra Designs is prohibited from the following that is outlined.

It is prohibited to

  • use our logos, our icons, or our designs, in any manner.  

  • use our assets in the name of another trademark, including our product, our service, our apps, our domain name, our domain site, our social media.  

  • use our assets in the name of other user groups or communities.  

  • use our trademark in endorsement, sponsorship, or affiliation.  

  • use our trademark in another online website or in store advertisement, including catalogues, pamphlets/leaflets, hard books/ ebooks.  

  • use our brand in another's digital platform or such as another website, social media, media-sharing platforms, knowledge platforms, ecommerce platforms, service-oriented platforms.  

  • use our trademark in other languages digital platforms such as another website, social media, media-sharing platforms, knowledge platforms, ecommerce platforms, service-oriented platforms. 

  • use our trademark in other products such marketing packaging, labels, signs, paper.

  • use our trademark in other documents, forms, invoices, receipts, quotes, scripts, notes.

  • use our trademark in online commercial or non-commercial promotion.  

  • use our trademark for distribution to third (3rd) parties such as scraper sites, estimates, memos, purchases orders.

  • business directories, mapping sites, digital advertising channels, ecommerce marketing.

  • use our trademark in conjunction with other languages in a way that is confusing.

  • use our trademark freely in branded content distribution. 

  • use our trademark in a disparaging, demagogy, libellous, or degrading manner. 

  • use our brand in trademark bidding (or any variant or extension there-or) as a keyword on any search engine.  

  • use our trademark in any form of paid advertising including, but not limited to paid social and display.  

  • use our trademark from abbreviation, incorporated into acronyms, change of spelling, use in parts or improper capitalisation.  

  • use our trademark in a plural or possessive form or as nouns or verbs.


No third party can publicly use our trademark, only permission is given to our collaborations. 

As the owner of the Australian registered trademark, we may claim the right to a remedy under the Trademarks Act 1995 against others, if any, has infringed on our registered trademark. 


If another domain knowingly engages in the practice of unauthorised registration, illegal commerce, or misuse of our domain name, but  with the intention of bad faith conduct to allegedly financial and commercial benefit from the goodwill of our Intellectual Property rights. 

The following are the common infringements that we will file an an abuse/cyber crime complaint against another domain. 

If another webmaster is

1. allegedly breaching the Australian Consumer Law (or equivalent International Law) by misleading and deceptive conduct. 

2. allegedly acting in bad faith by registering trademarks that are identical or alike our existing trademark that belong to us. 

3. allegedly misleading by directing online users to another website which is unrelated to us. 

4. allegedly registered misspellings or typos of Lady Vaydra Designs, including Vaydra Wright 

5. allegedly causing reputation damage to the rightful owner of the domain name, Lady Vaydra Designs.

We do not endorse and represent unaffiliated domains, incl. their page urls & images. There is no B2B / B2C + social & personal connection with any of the following domains. We only connect with companies & professionals that adhere to the highest standards of professionalism and respect our online presence, now and the future.


We do not partake in any unethical marketing practices and unlawful (fraud) activities. Due to these alleged findings of the Lady Vaydra Designs registered Australian trademark words and the director's identity name is allegedly being illegally used for websites to advertisrelated purposes to undermine and dilute our trademark and online presence. 


We do not endorse businesses, groups and individuals without

our written consent & authorisation which includes us advising

the ATO & IP Australia of our changes.


Google reference: 

Spamdexing is the deliberate manipulation of search engine indexes. It involves a number of methods, such as link building and repeating unrelated phrases, to manipulate the relevance or prominence of resources indexed, in a manner inconsistent with the purpose of the indexing system


Online presence demonstrates a high level of unprofessionalism or lack of data integrity, but are above all, there is a disrespectful to our core brand.

We are taking security measures to ensure that our online presence is

not adversely affected by others.

refer to our social media accounts:





This image is allegedly trademark infringing. The owner of the image may be partaking in undesirable activities. Do NOT click on the images or this Australian site.  It is a SCAM.


We have not given our verbal or written consent & authorisation, in writing for this image to trade freely across our entire Google Images searches. 

We do NOT

  • sell Australian Uniforms. 

  • manufacture our products in China. 

  • endorse any clothing from other Australian & China websites.

  • partake in spamdexing other website's products. 

  • have any B2B  & B2C, social & personal interest in Australian/China Uniforms.

Alleged crime activity Screen Shot 2022-11-26 at 10.43_edited.jpg




This image is allegedly trademark infringing.The Gallery & artist of the image may be partaking in undesirable activities. Do NOT click on the images or this Australian Gallery site. It is a SCAM.


We have not given our verbal or written consent & authorisation, in writing for this image to trade freely across our entire Google Images searches. 

We do NOT:

  • endorse/promote/ upload unaffiliated artwork images from Australian websites.

  • partake in spamdexing other websites. 

  • have any B2B  & B2C, social & personal connection to the owner of this image

Patricia Jeffree - crime activity.png




This image is allegedly trademark infringing. The Gallery & artist of the image may be partaking in undesirable activities. Do NOT click on the images or this Australian Gallery site. It is a SCAM.


We have not given our verbal or written consent & authorisation, in writing for this image to trade freely across our entire Google Images searches. 

We do NOT:

  • endorse/promote/ upload unaffiliated artwork images from Australian websites.

  • partake in spamdexing other websites. 

  • have any B2B  & B2C, social & personal connection to the owner of this image

Patricia Jeffree crime activities.png




This image is allegedly trademark infringing.The Gallery & artist of the image may be partaking in undesirable activities. Do NOT click on the images or this Australian Gallery site. It is a SCAM.  


We have not given our verbal or written consent & authorisation, in writing for this image to trade freely across our entire Google Images searches. 

We do NOT:

  • endorse/promote/ upload unaffiliated artwork QR CODE images from Australian websites.

  • partake in spamdexing other websites. 

  • have any B2B  & B2C, social & personal connection to the owner of this image

Unaffiliated Images 


Lady Vaydra Designs/ Vaydra Wright has NO connection to any Australian unaffiliated websites' and their media images index to our business / professional identity.

We do not endorse/market/promote/index Australian unaffiliated media images.  

These Australian unaffiliated websites and their media images may be allegedly misleading online users with functionally deceptive in a way that is conveying the allegation of misconduct of business identity, defrauding, framing & falsifications by allegedly illegally indexing to Lady Vaydra Designs/

Vaydra Wright in Google Images


We are taking security measures with the relevant Aus Govt. agencies & Google to ensure that we are not adversely affected by this alleged scam site and may take further proceedings.


 Clicking on the Australian unaffiliated profile along with their media images other than Vaydra Wright and Lady Vaydra Designs may take online users to alleged unethical web page URLs that may be allegedly impersonating/ misrepresenting us and Vaydra Wright.


We advise online users to avoid clicking on any Australian unaffiliated images other than Lady Vaydra Designs Each unaffiliated media image is taken seriously by us and Vaydra Wright.


Each Australian unaffiliated media images

is reported along with (if any) data & information to the relevant Australian Government Agencies.

We have not given our verbal or written consent & authorisation, in writing for these Australian unaffiliated media images to trade freely across our entire Google Images searches. 

We do NOT:

  • endorse/promote/ upload artwork QR CODE images from any Australian websites.

  • partake in spamdexing other websites. 

  • have any B2B  & B2C, social & personal connection to the owner of  these Australian unaffiliated media images. 

  • partake in any cartel activities. 

  • have active Google ADs Sponsored Shops

  • endorse/promote/ upload any Australian Artist and their media images

  • endorse/promote/ upload any Aboriginal Art Community and their media images

  • endorse/promote/ upload any Australian Art Galleries and their media images

  • endorse/promote/ upload any Australian Online Magazine and their media images.

  • endorse/promote/ upload any Online Marketplaces, and their media images. 

  • endorse/promote/ upload any Gold Coast Community Business articles. 

*These Australian unaffiliated businesses, groups and images have been detected for their undesirable activities. Be caution when dealing with these sites. 

Each alleged spandexing or alleged cartel activities are reported. 

Each alleged misconduct of identities is reported. 

Each alleged malicious and vindictive behaviour is reported. 

 ©2022 Lady Vaydra Designs Copyright®™                       Proudly created by Vaydra Wright​                  +61 7 3040 2208

 *Any person(s) who infringes on the brand, Lady Vaydra Designs®™ and/or ©copyrights the works without

explicit consent (in writing) will result in legal action.  

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